


1 (16 ounce) package phyllo dough 1包phyllo 麵團

1 pound chopped nuts 切碎的堅果 

1 cup butter (melted) 融化奶油

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 肉桂粉

1/8 teaspoon ground clove 丁香

1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 肉豆蔻


Syrup: 糖水

1 cup water水

1 cup white sugar 糖

½ cup honey 蜂蜜

1 orange zest 橙皮




1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F(175 degrees C). Butter the bottoms and sides of a 9x13 inch pan.

2. Chop nuts and toss with cinnamon. Set aside. Unroll phyllo dough. Cut whole stack in half to fit pan. Cover phyllo with a dampened cloth to keep from drying out as you work. Place two sheets of dough in pan, butter thoroughly. Repeat until you have 8 sheets layered. Sprinkle 2 - 3 tablespoons of nut mixture on top. Top with two sheets of dough, butter, nuts, layering as you go. The top layer should be about 6 - 8 sheets deep.

3. Using a sharp knife cut into diamond or square shapes all the way to the bottom of the pan. You may cut into 4 long rows the make diagonal cuts. Bake for about 50 minutes until baklava is golden and crisp.

4. Make sauce while baklava is baking. Boil sugar and water until sugar is melted. Add vanilla and honey. Simmer for about 20 minutes.

5. Remove baklava from oven and immediately spoon sauce over it. Let cool.



1.將烤箱預熱至華氏350度(攝氏175度)。在 9x13 英寸烤盤的底部和側面塗上奶油。

2. 將堅果切碎,拌入肉桂,備用。展開phyllo切成兩半以便使用。(在工作時用濕布蓋住phyllo,以防止變乾)。將兩張phyllo麵團放入烤盤刷上奶油,重複這個動作直到你有8層。在上面撒上 2 - 3 湯匙堅果混合物。之後在上面放兩張phyllo麵團+奶油+堅果。重複兩張phyllo麵團+奶油+堅果直到最頂層,再放上約 8 層phyllo麵團。

(偷吃步作法: 把phyllo麵團分成兩份。將一份麵團每層刷上奶油,中間放上堅果,再將剩下麵團依序刷上奶油,完成。)

3.用鋒利的刀切成菱形或方形,一直切到底,烘烤約 45 分鐘(直到呈金黃酥脆)。


5. 從烤箱中取出土耳其果仁千層酥,立即將糖水舀在上面,放涼。


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