草莓(蛋糕粉)餅乾 Cake Mix Cookies
1 蛋糕粉 (18.25 ounce) cake mix
2 蛋 egg
1/2 杯(cup) 奶油或植物油 butter or veg oil
1.將融化的奶油或植物油攪拌均勻 ,加入過篩的蛋糕粉, 均勻的混合成團.
2.使用冰淇淋勺挖出麵糰, 約24等份, 置於烤盤上 (留空隙), 用手輕輕壓平.
3.烤箱預熱至175度, 烘烤8-10分鐘, 取出靜置幾分鐘, 再移到價上放涼
Mix together cake mix, eggs and oil in a large bowl.
Make little balls with the dough and set on ungreased cookie sheets.
Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 8-10 minutes.