Blueberry Pie 藍莓派
1/2杯 砂糖
3湯匙 玉米粉 (下次改5匙)
1/4茶匙 鹽
1/2茶匙 肉桂粉
4杯 藍莓
(下次 2匙 檸檬汁)
1 市售派皮
1大匙 奶油
3 大匙 麵粉
2 大匙 糖
3 大匙 冷藏奶油, 切小塊
4 大匙 核桃
將 糖,玉米粉,鹽,肉桂粉,藍莓 拌在一起.
將拌好的藍莓倒入派皮內,放上切成塊的奶油, 灑上Topping.
3/4 cup white sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 cups fresh blueberries
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
1 tablespoon butter
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
Mix sugar, cornstarch, salt, and cinnamon, and sprinkle over blueberries.
Line pie dish with one pie crust. Pour berry mixture into the crust, and dot with butter.
Cut remaining pastry into 1/2 - 3/4 inch wide strips, and make lattice top. Crimp and flute edges.
Bake pie on lower shelf of oven for about 50 minutes, or until crust is golden brown.